Healthy Turkey Bolognese

Healthy Turkey Bolognese

Healthy Turkey Bolognese

Fun fact: Did you know in Bologna, Italy, the birthplace of authentic Bolognese sauce, they never serve Bolognese with spaghetti? Ragu Bolognese as they call it most often comes tossed with tagliatelle pasta or baked in lasagna. And just for the record, meatballs are also not served with spaghetti, but that’s a whole other story!

Bologna, located in Italy’s food valley, Emilia-Romagna, is the food capital of Italy. My husband and I had more than one perfect day in Bologna feasting on the regional specialties. We ate plenty of traditional Bolognese sauce—which is still the most famous food from Bologna—but none of it was Healthy Turkey Bolognese!

Read 20 Reasons to Visit Bologna, Italy

Read 20 Reasons to Visit Bologna, Italy

I learned how to make classic Bolognese sauce from my nana (my mom’s mom). I miss Sunday dinners at my nana and papa's where we indulged in the most delicious Italian dishes all day long. I am still convinced her meatballs were the best in the world!

Authentic Bolognese sauce was a staple, and it took my nana days to prepare. If you’re like me, that is not an option, and this easy Bolognese sauce will save you hours in the kitchen!

Not only will you love how quick and easy it is—it takes only about 30 minutes to prepare, and 30 minutes to simmer, but you’ll love the taste of this Healthy Turkey Bolognese! I just made it last night for my parents, and my mom who grew up on my nana’s authentic Bolognese sauce gave it the thumbs up!

So, although my Nana would never make a turkey ragu, since Americans have already done the unthinkable by pairing spaghetti with Bolognese, I am perfectly comfortable using ground turkey in my healthy Bolognese sauce. However, if you prefer beef Bolognese, it’s just a simple substitution.

But, I promise—this Healthy Turkey Bolognese recipe is a winner! It was always a hit with my meal prep clients, and was one of our most requested meals, especially for families! It is healthier than beef Bolognese, and just as delicious. So, what’s not to love? Make a pasta Bolognese for a weeknight dinner in a snap. I bet Healthy Turkey Bolognese will be one of your new go to dinners!

Healthy Turkey Bolognese Recipe

Servings: 5

Healthy Turkey Bolognese ingredients.

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1/3 cup onion, minced
1/2 cup carrot, minced
1/4 cup celery, minced
1 1/2 tablespoon garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
20 ounces lean ground turkey
2 cup tomato puree
3/4 cup low fat milk, 1% fat
8 leaves fresh basil, chopped
2 tablespoon Parmesan cheese (optional)

Preparing Healthy Turkey Bolognese

Preparing Healthy Turkey Bolognese

1. Heat olive oil in a deep pan on medium high.
2. Add onion, carrot, celery, and garlic to pan, and coat in olive oil.
3. Sprinkle oregano, salt and pepper into the pan and sauté until vegetables are soft.
4. Add ground turkey and break up large pieces with spatula.
5. When turkey is just done, add the tomato puree.
6. When it comes to a boil, simmer on low for about 30 minutes.
7. Stir in milk, and continue to simmer until desired temperature.
8. Stir in basil.
9. Transfer to a serving dish and sprinkle with Parmesan as desired.

Adding basil to Healthy Turkey Bolognese

Adding basil to Healthy Turkey Bolognese

1. If you prefer a chunky tomato base, you can use diced or crushed tomatoes.
2. Toss with brown rice pasta or whole wheat pasta for a complete healthy dinner

Meal Prep
1. Fully preparing you Healthy Turkey Bolognese and storing it in the refrigerator for up to 5 day, or in the freezer for longer works great!
This meal reheats very well even when tossed with pasta. However, if you are making multiple portions for a family to eat at the same time, store the Turkey Bolognese separately from the pasta. The pasta will reheat with just a dunk into boiling water.