My Biggest Celebrity Client Disappointment

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I grew up watching the Sonny & Cher show. And although I never obsessed over stars, I wrote Cher a fan letter when I was about 10 and received an autographed photo for my efforts. So, I was crushed when Cher turned out to be my least favorite celebrity client.

Why? First, she signed up under her assistant’s name, and after about a month the assistant told us that the meal service was really for Cher. Of course, we already knew that because we were delivering to Cher’s house. Cher didn’t give us a lot of information about her likes and dislikes, but expected us to know exactly what she wanted. Although we asked several times for additional information that would help us pinpoint specifically what changes Cher might enjoy, we were never provided with any. When we finally figured out that she wanted tiny portions of vegetarian meals, it was too late. If I could turn back time . . .