Green Eggs and Ham Recipe
Green Eggs & Ham
This Green Eggs and Ham recipe is, of course, inspired by Dr. Seuss’ book of the same name.
When you first heard Green Eggs and Ham, it probably sounded fun, but I bet you didn’t think, “That sounds delicious!” More likely it was, “What type of chicken lays green eggs?” or “Are green eggs real?” There are really green chicken eggs and even blue eggs, but, of course, only the eggshells are colored.
So, if you want Green Eggs and Ham, this recipe is the way to go. It not only tastes great, but it’s healthy and easy, with green eggs made without artificial ingredients!
Ingredients for Green Eggs & Ham Recipe
The recipe uses egg whites, which are a great source of lean protein: Each egg white has 6 grams of protein and zero grams of fat! And spinach, one of the most nutrient-dense vegetables on the planet, makes the finished eggs green!
Here are some delicious ways to enjoy my Green Eggs and Ham Recipe:
You can put your eggs next to potatoes, Or top them with chopped tomatoes.
You can roll them in a spinach tortilla, Or stuff them in a whole wheat pita.
They are delicious on toasted bread, Or on an English muffin they can be spread.
Of course you can always eat them plain, And you’ll be eager to eat them again and again.
Green Eggs & Ham Recipe
Recipe: Serves 2
2 cups egg whites
1/4 cup raw spinach
1/4 cup fresh basil
2 small garlic cloves
2 Tbsp. Parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
1 spray olive oil spray
2 slices lean, low-sodium deli ham, chopped
Green Eggs in a Pan
Blend egg whites, spinach, basil, garlic, Parmesan, salt, and pepper until mixture is smooth and completely green.
Heat up a non-stick frying pan.
Spray non-stick pan with olive oil spray.
Add green egg mixture and cook like scrambled eggs.
When eggs are almost all cooked through, add ham to the pan and finish cooking eggs.
Don’t tell the kids about the healthy stuff, and they’ll enjoy this Green Eggs and Ham recipe too!
Cooking the Green Eggs & Ham Recipe